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CDP Training UK  – Nowadays, companies and individuals responsible for using data must follow strict rules called data protection principles . do not comply face criminal proceedings, fines and serious damage to their reputation. All of us that are involved in keeping personal information, from customer databases to employee records, must have at least a basic understanding of the Data Protection Act 1998. Employees those are involved in specialist roles in marketing, database management or computer security may need extra training to cover data protection rules relevant to their jobs types.

In a company, data privacy and data security are a key part of data protection rules, so we need to make sure our employees are aware of their importance (Data Protection Act 1998). The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a pan-European data protection law, which suspended the EU’s 1995 Data Protection Directive and all member state law based on it, including the UK’s DPA 1998.

The DPA 2018 (Data Protection Act 2018) supplements the GDPR by filling in the sections of the Regulation that were left to individual member states to interrupt and implement. Data Protection training is designed to help companies and individuals comply with the essential principles of the UK’s Data Protection Act and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If we handle personal information as part of our work, then data protection should be integral to our daily activities. This training explains what our responsibilities are under data protection law so that we understand how to collect data legally, obtain consent where required, process data in accordance with the law and ensure data security.

Who should take this Data Protection training course – CDP Training?

All companies 11are required to comply with the data protection law. If we handle any sort of personal information as part of our work, whether it’s about customers, clients, members of the public or employees, then we have a responsibility to keep that personal data secure and safe and process it in line with the GDPR.

This CDP Training is suitable for staff at all levels and no previous knowledge is required. It is suitable for both data controllers and processors.

The training is relevant to all types of companies, including charities, professionals, sole traders and membership organizations, etc.

If we use the internet as our day to day work then we may also have to take Data Protection Training.

What should the Data Protection Training Contain?

A very good CDP Training UK should cover the basic principles behind the Data Protection Act 1998. It explains some key points such as:

  1. What are personal data and sensitive personal data?
  2. How do we collect, update and store data securely?
  3. Who is the ICO?
  4. What are the data subject requests?
  5. What are the data controller and data processors?

The goal of this CDP Training UK

  1. Understood the key terms used in Data Protection law.
  2. Understood their responsibilities under GDPR and the Data Protection Act.
  3. Understood the lawful grounds for processing personal information.
  4. Understood how to obtain consent from data subjects.
  5. Understood how to ensure data security and report personal data breaches.

For more info about the data protection check this article