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Interests in safeguarding crucial information and cloud-based IT operation has been surging gradually. For this purpose, (ISC)2 and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) united to launch the credentials for Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) in 2015. Although being a newly introduced professional, CCSP brought a tide of impact with more than 1600 certified professionals across the world.

In less than 100 years, computers have evolved from massive behemoths that took up entire rooms into some of the tiniest gadgets we possess. While computer processing has gotten better and technology has improved allowing computer hardware to become smaller and the amount of data needing to be stored has grown.

The premier certification of CCSP co-developed with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). Nowadays, one of the hottest certifications on the market today. The CCSP recognizes Information Technology and Information security leaders who have the knowledge and competency to apply best practices to cloud security architecture, design,, operations and service orchestration. It shows we are in the forefront of cloud security

Average CCSP Salary

The demand for CCSP certified professionals grows as the prevalence of cloud computing increases and translating to higher salaries. However, the average salary takes into their account many factors such as years of experience and geographic location.

A 2016 study is broke down the average CCSP salary. In 2016 the average salary for US-based CCSP professionals was $133,820 annually. For professionals outside of the US, the average CCSP salary was $101,360.

Experience-Based Salaries of CCSPs

          The best thing about the salary of CCSPs is that it increased with experience. Glassdoor reveals that even if we are a novice in this field, we can expect to earn an average CCSP salary of $78,802 per annum.

CCSP Experience Requirements

Candidates must have a minimum of five years cumulative paid work experience in information technology in which three years must be in information security and one year in one or more out of six domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSA’s CCK certificate can be substituted for one year of experience in one or more of the six domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning (ISC)2’s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience requirements.

A candidate who doesn’t have the required experience to become a CCSP may become an Associate of (ISC)2 by successfully passing the CCSP examination. The Associate of (ISC)2 will then have six years to earn the five years required experience.

Work Experience

          Valid experience includes information systems security-related work performed in a cloud computing environment or work that requires cloud security knowledge and also involves direct application of that knowledge. Experience must fall within one or more of the six domains of the (ISC)2 CCSP CBK:

  • Domain 1: Architectural Concepts & Design Requirements.
  • Domain 2: Cloud Data Security
  • Domain 3: Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security
  • Domain 4: Cloud Application Security
  • Domain 5: Operations
  • Domain 6: Legal & Compliance

Full-Time Experience: Our work experience is accrued monthly. Thus, we must have worked a minimum of 35 hours/week for four weeks in order to accrue one month of work experience.

Part Time Experience: Our part-time experience cannot be less than 20 hours a week and no more than 34 hours a week.