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First of all, why get a CREST certification at all? Well, CREST exams are recognized by the professional services industry and buyers as being the best indication of knowledge, skill, and competence.  They are a high-level aspiration for those taking them and increasingly a mandated requirement for those hiring or buying services. Having a CREST certification also provides a recognized career path right from your entry into the industry through to experienced senior tester level. However, the Key benefits of becoming CREST certified are:


  1. A structured and recognized career path.
  2. CREST certifications are recognized by the buying community.
  3. CREST is the gold standard, industry-leading certification, stand out to employers, peers and higher-ups with the higher slandered of specialist skills that you will gain from being CREST certified.
  4. CREST Certified Tester also confers CHECK Team Leader status. (subject to CESG approval)
  5. Join a recognized community of testers, with opportunities to further your career development through networking and information sharing.
  6. Employment opportunities with leading security consultancies and information security companies, be ahead of all your competition with the extra knowledge and authority that being CREST certified brings.
  7. A training, examination and career path to suit your development and aspirations for promotion.